Lab News

  • Kara talks to CBC Radio about her ‘re-discovery’
    Kara was recently interviewed by CBC Radio on her re-discovery of the Columbian Pocket Mouse in the Thompson Valley, over 70 years since it was first recorded.
  • Johanna’s work in Northwest Territories gets coverage by Cabin Radio.
    Johanna is interviewed on her work for Cabin Radio. Check it out – you can read her story or listen to the podcast.
  • Mid-winter Celebration for the lab comes early in 2024
    Our annual lab Mid-winter Celebration came a bit early this year to accomodate people fitting in travels for their thesis work in the early part of December. It mattered not as a good time was had by all. Although the pre-dinner moment for reflection included the Christmas Toad poem, the highlight of the evening was … Continue reading
  • Shannon & Mae involved in fisher reintroduction.
    Our dynamic-duo fisher team (Mae and Shannon) have been actively involved in helping reintroduce a set of fisher kits orphaned through the death of the mother (fortunately,Shannon’s radio-telemetry work on the mother had previously revealed where the kits were stationed). The BC Wildlife Park has played an important role in this as well, housing the … Continue reading
  • Rulon Clark visits
    From Oct 2-5, Dr. Rulon Clark, San Diego State University rattlesnake researcher, travelled to TRU to give a seminar, and spend quite a bit of time talking to members of our lab about his work, students’ work, and mutual interests. The day after his presentation a number of us took him in the field for … Continue reading
  • Canadian Herpetological Society – Sidney 2024
    In September, current and former members of our lab met in Sidney, BC (on Vancouver Island – NOT THAT Sydney). It was a great meeting so kudos to the organizers. Karl delivered the Plenary Talk, and Chloe, Kara, Lindsay and Caroline presented as well. Recent lab grad Jade joined up with us too. Pictured below … Continue reading
  • Lab members attend World Congress of Herpetology
    Lindsay, Calen and Karl together attended and presented at the 10th international World Congress of Herpetology in Kuching, Malaysia, on the island of Borneo. Many amazing new critters were seen through field trips, although the ultimate goal – the King Cobra – eluded us.