Caroline Lafond

Caroline completed her undergraduate Honours degree in the Department of Natural Resource Science.  She  examined the persistence of rattlesnake rookeries following the large Nk’Mip wildfire that ripped across our Osoyoos study site in 2021.   More specifically, she used the project’s database (drawing heavily from Dana Eye’s work) to revisit rookeries and determine if gravid females were continuing to use the same locations, despite the fact the vast majority of rookeries were burnt over.  She also used our historic  mark/recapture data to ascertain whether the females she found during her 2023 field season were previously located at the same or different rookery sites.

Caroline’s field work was conducted on the traditional, unceded lands of the Osoyoos Indian Band, in partnership and with logistical support by the Desert Cultural Centre.  Financial support came from the Aboriginal Fund for Species At Risk and TRU’s UREAP awards program.